I Miss Nature: The Separation of Humanity and Life

Living in an industrial city in the northeast of China can be difficult at times for someone who has basically lived their entire life either within nature or in very close proximity to it. Harbin is a nice city in its own ways. It has a unique Russian-Chinese hybrid culture with numerous orthodox churches and …

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A Short Return Journey back to Australia

Some of you may have noticed that I've been absent for the past few weeks, and the reason for this, as hinted by the title of the post, was because I went back home to Australia for the Christmas and New Years period to visit friends and family and meet the newest member of my …

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Snow: On a Simple Beauty of Nature

This week in Harbin has seen the first snowfall of the season. Although early by most of the world’s standards, it actually came at least a week later than last year. If it’s one thing this city is famous for, is that it’s cold, very cold, having a winter lasting for four or five months, …

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